Our next-gen excavators are designed to maximize productivity and help increase efficiency.

Mukul Dixit,
What is the current market scenario of hydraulic excavators in India?
Rapid expansion of mining and infrastructure projects has led to a growing demand for construction equipment. Several factors are shaping the industry:
Infrastructure boost – Urbanization is leading to the demand for more public, residential, and commercial spaces. Government mission such as the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), Gati Shakti and Make in India campaign have created a positive environment for the construction industry. These initiatives aim to boost infrastructure development, streamline transportation, and promote local manufacturing. Consequently, there is a growing need for hydraulic excavators to support the expansion of projects across the country.
Technological advancement – Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML) into machines has led to improvement in overall productivity of operations, machine health and fuel efficiency.
Growing demand for large load capacity – Customers are looking to capture more opportunities and be a part of different projects. They want to maximise productivity and do their jobs faster and more efficiently. This has led to a rising demand for large capacity equipment and machinery.
What are the new innovations in your range of excavators with respect to the applications?
Recently, we have launched Cat®350, 374 and 395 excavators. These products are equipped with the best-in-class technology which can help increase productivity, provide better cost efficiency, enhance safety, and offer more customizable features compared to its predecessors to meet the multi-functional requirements of the customers. These new range of products are in addition to the existing models of Cat 313, 320, and 323 range of excavators.
Our excavators are designed to increase operating efficiency, lower fuel, and maintenance costs, and improve operator’s comfort. These machines come with a high-ambient capability of 52°C (125°F) and cold start capability of -18°C (0°F). An optional -32°C (-25°F) cold start is available for extreme cold conditions. Technologies like Cat® Product Link™ along with GPS connect, not only help improve traceability and visibility but also enable the systems to observe, identify and understand different facets of heavy machinery operation without human intervention and improves the maintenance and operation of machines. The Swing Assist technology of the excavators automatically stops excavator swing at defined points during truck loading and trenching, reducing fuel usage and improving cycle times.
How are you making a difference in the excavator market with your products and services?
Caterpillar offers a wide range of product choices and customised solutions to match the customer requirements. We offer eight excavator models, which is one of the largest ranges in India to fit into various job applications to make our customers successful. Our next-gen excavators are designed to maximize productivity and help increase efficiency in customer’s business operations.
Cat 350 excavator - High productivity and low operating cost for demanding applications:
· High digging force and swing torque, large bucket size minimizing cycle time and maximizing payload.
· Highly efficient electro-hydraulic system and long-life filters limiting operating costs.
· Reinforced structure achieving superior durability.
· Supporting operations in rugged conditions up to 4,500 m (14,764 ft) above sea level.
· Standard high-ambient temperature capability of 52°C (125°F) and a standard cold start capability of -18°C (0°F). Optional cold start capability of -32°C (-25°F) is available for extreme conditions.
Cat 374 & 395 excavators - greater productivity with 2x more structural durability and lower maintenance costs:
· Loads more quickly with up to 10% higher swing torque compared to previous models. Additionally, the dedicated hydrostatic swing circuit increases productivity and efficiency.
· The boom, stick, and frame are up to two times stronger compared to previous models.
· Up to 20% lower maintenance costs than previous models.
· Cat 323D3 Excavator – Lower your cost per ton with high performance digging
· Higher productivity with a large Cat 1.20 m³ (1.57 yd³) severe-duty bucket, moving more material every pass.
· New tandem hydraulic pumps provide 7% more hydraulic power with less internal friction to increase overall efficiency.
· Up to 5% lower maintenance costs with 20% reduced oil refill volume.
· Reliable and durable with reinforced structures, a robust undercarriage, and a two-stage fuel filtration system.
Cat 320D3 excavator – Lower cost per hour balancing productivity, reliability, and efficiency
Easy to maintain as most service locations are easily accessible at ground level.
Safe working environment with anti-skid plating reducing the potential for slippage and trip hazards and a full-length firewall separates the engine from the hydraulic pump and offers protection in the event of an incident.
Cat 320D3 GC excavator – More fuel efficient - Move more material per litre fuel burn
· Reduced fuel consumption - as low as 11 liters per hour