We foresee a big change in the car parking paradigm of the smart cities in the near future.

N V Ramana, Director, Marine Car Parx How do you look at the current scenario of vehicle parking in the country? What are the challenges faced by people? About 40 lakh new cars are produced annually and a number of pre-owned cars are rolling back into the urban areas. Every third car in the city

We foresee a big change in the car parking paradigm of the smart cities in the near future.

N V Ramana, Director, Marine Car Parx

How do you look at the current scenario of vehicle parking in the country? What are the challenges faced by people?

About 40 lakh new cars are produced annually and a number of pre-owned cars are rolling back into the urban areas. Every third car in the city is looking for a shelter on the pavements and cycle tracks. The biggest challenge faced by the commuter is spending nearly two hours of his precious time in the traffic daily.

How are residential buildings sector addressing the growing needs for parking space?

Residential project developers and designers are yet to perceive the depth of needs of parking spaces holistically. Digging cellars or providing car spaces in the lower floors of the RCC buildings is a costly proposition. The building architects have to lead the way. In the current scenario, the project developers also need to make provision for electric vehicles charging facility.

Parking on roads has created traffic congestion and many difficulties for general public. What are the solutions for this?

No single department from the government can handle this issue on its own capacity. This problem is gigantic and it can be tackled by developing synergy between police traffic department, municipal and urban development department, resident welfare associations, motor driving schools, road safety NGOs etc. Most importantly, the car manufacturers, the car retail dealers and builders of residential projects have to take a lead role.

How effective is Pay-and-Park system in India? What are the challenges and what is the scope for a revival in the system?

By nature, most of the drivers look for a free parking space, although they can afford to pay the parking fees. They do not care about the consequences of hap hazard parking. Pay and Park systems can only be effective if regulations are implemented strictly.

What are the new concepts and solutions offered by the company in vehicle parking systems? What kind of customized solutions do you offer?

We have conceptualized the designs suitable to various needs of car parking spaces starting from 50 spaces capacity to 1,000 as the location can permit. The parking structures need to be reliable, customizable and user friendly to give 24/7 uninterrupted service. The structures should be eco-friendly unlike RCC buildings, which leave a large carbon footprint. Our solutions can be viewed in www.marinecarparx.com.

How do you look at the future market opportunities for various parking systems and solutions? What kind of solutions will effectively address the parking needs in future?

We foresee a big change in the car parking paradigm of the smart cities in the near future. The logical solution to address this monstrous problem, is to create vertical spaces which can be built economically, operated reliably and with electric charging facility.

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