Sustainability is a core focus across our range of products.

Sustainability is a core focus across our range of products.

Salil Sadanandan, President K&B – South Asia and Asia Pacific, Kohler


What are the latest developments in bathroom fixtures and accessories?

The latest developments in bathroom fixtures and accessories reflect a growing trend towards integrating smart technologies and innovative features to enhance user experience and efficiency. One notable advancement is the integration of voice-controlled and app-enabled features in digital shower systems, allowing users to personalize settings such as water temperature and spray patterns. Additionally, intelligent toilets are gaining popularity, offering automated functionalities like heated seats, customizable cleansing options, and water-saving capabilities through touchscreen controls or smartphone apps. Multifunctional mirrors that integrate lighting, connectivity, and wellness features such as anti-fog technology and integrated speakers, providing a more immersive and functional experience in the bathroom are also gaining popularity amongst consumers. These developments showcase a shift towards sophisticated and user-centric designs that prioritize convenience, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal in modern bathroom fixtures and accessories.

How are the design concepts changing in bathroom products and accessories?

Design concepts in bathroom products and accessories are undergoing significant transformations to align with the evolving demands and preferences of consumers. A notable trend is the integration of smart technologies into fixtures such as showers, faucets, and toilets. This integration includes features like voice control, app connectivity, and sensor-based functionalities, which enhance convenience and efficiency while complementing modern design aesthetics. These advancements reflect a growing desire for intuitive and connected bathroom experiences, catering to the increasingly tech-savvy lifestyles of today's consumers.

Another notable trend is the emphasis on customization and personalization. Consumers seek bathroom solutions that reflect their unique style and preferences, leading to a greater diversity of finishes, shower experiences, and lighting options available in the market. This allows individuals to create personalized bathroom spaces that cater to their specific needs and tastes.

Furthermore, wellness and comfort have become key focal points in modern bathroom design. Products now integrate features aimed at promoting relaxation and rejuvenation, such as mood lighting, advanced shower systems that provide a spa-like experience at home. This shift towards wellness-oriented design underscores a broader emphasis on self-care and holistic well-being, influencing the development of bathroom fixtures that prioritize functionality alongside user comfort.

How is growing urbanization influencing the future of bathroom fixtures?

Growing urbanization is significantly influencing the future of bathroom fixtures in several ways:

Space optimization: With the trend towards urban living in smaller spaces such as apartments and condos, there is a growing demand for compact and space-saving bathroom fixtures. Consumers are opting for sleek and efficient fixtures like wall-mounted toilets, corner sinks, and slim-profile vanities that maximize the use of limited bathroom space.

Smart technology integration: Urban dwellers are increasingly seeking convenience and connectivity in their homes, including the bathroom. The integration of smart technology into bathroom fixtures is becoming more prevalent, with features like motion-sensing faucets, touchless toilets, and digital shower systems that offer personalized settings and control through smartphone apps. This enhances user experience and reflects the tech-savvy lifestyle of urban consumers.

Design aesthetics: Urban living often emphasizes modern and minimalist design aesthetics. Bathroom fixtures are evolving to align with these preferences, featuring clean lines, geometric shapes, and sophisticated finishes like matte black and brushed metals. Manufacturers are catering to urban design trends to create fixtures that blend seamlessly with contemporary living spaces.

Wellness and sustainability: The focus on wellness and sustainability is driving innovation in bathroom fixtures. Urban residents value products that promote relaxation, hygiene, and eco-consciousness. Features such as water-saving technologies, energy-efficient lighting, and eco-friendly materials are increasingly integrated into bathroom fixtures to meet these demands.

What are the sustainability features in your range of products?

At Kohler, sustainability is a core focus across our range of products. We integrate various features and technologies to promote water conservation, energy efficiency, and overall eco-friendly practices.

Our Reach Eco Toilet set new standards for sustainability by boasting the lowest flushing water usage in the industry. It uses only 3.6 Litres of water per flush, which is a significant reduction from the standard 6 litres per flush of traditional toilets. The toilet also features Kohler’s highly engineered flushing technology, which ensures a powerful flush every time even with minimized water volume. This means that the Kohler Reach Eco can save up to 12000 L of water per year, which is great news for the environment and your wallet. It also features a compact design, making it ideal for smaller residential bathrooms and commercial spaces. The elongated bowl shape and comfortable height make for a comfortable and stylish addition to any bathroom.

Kohler also offers a range of sustainable showerheads that are designed to optimize water flow while providing a satisfying shower experience. Our showerheads incorporate technologies like air-induction, which mixes air with water to create larger droplets, maintaining water pressure while using less water overall. Additionally, our showerheads feature adjustable settings to allow users to customize water flow according to their preferences and needs.

What are the evolving trends in bathroom fixtures and how are you responding to the changing needs?

The evolving trends in bathroom fixtures reflect a shift towards self-expression, wellness, smart technology, multifunctionality, and sustainability. Bathrooms are now viewed as spaces for personal expression, ranging from minimalist to maximalist styles, allowing consumers to curate environments that reflect their individuality. To address this, we are expanding our product lines to offer diverse design choices that cater to various aesthetic preferences. Wellness and self-indulgence are also key themes driving design innovations, with a focus on creating spaces that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. Our Sveda Steam Lav exemplifies this trend, providing a unique steam basin experience for ultimate relaxation. Moreover, the integration of smart technology is transforming bathroom functionality, enhancing convenience and hygiene. Our Numi 2.0 Intelligent toilet, featuring motion sensors and self-cleaning capabilities, embodies this evolution towards smart bathrooms. Additionally, there's a growing demand for multifunctional home interiors, including luxurious additions like personal saunas and home gyms, which we are considering in our product development. Lastly, sustainability is a priority, with an emphasis on water conservation and eco-friendly materials. Our low-flush toilets are designed for efficiency without compromising performance, aligning with consumer preferences for environmentally conscious products. In summary, our response to these evolving trends involves innovation across design, technology, functionality, and sustainability to create bathroom fixtures that enhance well-being, reflect personal style, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

How do you view the market outlook and how are you gearing up for future?

We are optimistic about the future of the industry, given the ongoing advancements in technology, sustainability, and design that are reshaping consumer interactions with their homes and surroundings. This evolving landscape presents exciting opportunities for growth and innovation, particularly in addressing critical global challenges like water conservation, energy efficiency, and accessibility. At Kohler, we are dedicated to leading this transformative journey by prioritizing innovation and sustainable practices in our product development. We are focused on creating solutions that not only meet current consumer needs but also contribute to a more inclusive and environmentally conscious future. By embracing these principles, we aim to play a pivotal role in shaping a more sustainable and inclusive world for everyone.