The demand for modern sanitaryware and faucet is expected to rise further.

The demand for modern sanitaryware and faucet is expected to rise further.

Sudhanshu Pokhriyal, Chief Executive Officer, Bath & Tiles, Hindware Limited


What are the latest developments in bathroom fixtures and accessories?

As homes become increasingly personalized, modern bathrooms have transcended their traditional role, evolving into personalized sanctuaries for relaxation and self-expression. Today, homeowners invest in creating spaces where they can unwind, rejuvenate, and showcase their unique design preferences. The latest bathroom fixtures and accessories prioritize luxury, sustainability, and technological integration, aiming to elevate both user experience and environmental responsibility.

Aesthetic and design: The beauty of modern bathroom design lies in its versatility and inclusivity. Whether minimalist or maximalist, homeowners are embracing their personal style to create a space that resonates with them on a deeply aesthetic and emotional level. Minimalist designs prioritize simplicity, functionality, and serenity, featuring clean lines, neutral tones, and streamlined fixtures for an uncluttered atmosphere suited to those seeking tranquility. For those looking to embody these principles, Hindware offers an array of sleek, innovative fixtures that blend effortlessly into a minimalist decor. One can choose for neutral tones like soft greys, whites, or muted pastels from Hindware’s collection to maintain a clean and uncluttered look. In contrast, maximalist designs celebrate boldness, creativity, and individual expression. This style is perfect for those who enjoy vibrant environments filled with personality and energy. Maximalist bathrooms feature bold colors, intricate patterns, and eclectic decor. Hindware steps into this colorful world with their impressive range of color options in fixtures and accessories. Hindware’s Italian bathroom collection, the Glamour Range, is designed to inspire individuals to embrace the vibrancy and luxury of color.

Smart technology: To enhance comfort and convenience, technology integration in bathrooms now includes touchless faucets, smart showers with digital controls for temperature and flow, and toilets equipped with bidets, heated seats, and automatic flush systems. At Hindware, we are at the forefront of this evolution. We have embraced these trends by integrating advanced technology into our products. This includes the introduction of smart toilets that offer touchless technology and personalized user settings, as well as faucets that conserve water without sacrificing performance. Our innovative ‘Easy Clean’ countertop wash basin showcases our commitment to hygiene and ease of maintenance, enhancing user convenience significantly. Similarly, our recently launched QUEO Q-Smart Toilet, available in both floor-mounted and wall-hung model seamlessly blends sleek design with advanced technology, anticipating user needs and elevating comfort and convenience to new heights.

Water efficiency: Fixtures like toilets, showerheads, and faucets are designed to use less water, achieving sustainability goals while maintaining high performance. Hindware’s recent partnership with the Swedish innovation company Altered highlights its dedication to environmental responsibility, especially in water conservation. This collaboration has introduced three advanced nozzles designed to revolutionize water usage habits.

Wellness integration: Modern bathroom designs are increasingly focused on promoting wellness, transforming these spaces into personal sanctuaries for relaxation and health. Incorporating elements like bathtubs and shower enclosures can go a long way in promoting relaxation and well-being.

Design Elements

·        Statement lighting: Utilizing fixtures such as chandeliers, pendant lights, or LED strips to create ambiance and enhance the overall aesthetic.

·        Freestanding bathtubs: Opting for standalone tubs as a focal point, adding elegance and sophistication to the space. Our latest Queo bathtub range, featuring eye-catching colored free-standing tubs, is a testament to our commitment to embracing this trend.

How are the design concepts changing in bathroom products and accessories?

In contemporary bathroom design, there are no set rules or limitations. Homeowners are expressing their individuality and creativity in a variety of ways. Whether it’s opting for a luxurious freestanding bathtub as a focal point or embracing muted colors for a serene atmosphere, the possibilities are endless. Bright wallpapers, intricate tile patterns, statement lighting fixtures, and unique accessories offer opportunities for personalization and customization. From minimalist retreats to vibrant sanctuaries, homeowners can create spaces that truly reflect their tastes, preferences, and lifestyles. 

How is growing urbanization influencing the future of bathroom fixtures?

In densely populated urban areas, there's a rising demand for functional fixtures that optimize space usage without sacrificing aesthetics, emphasizing sleek designs that seamlessly blend style with functionality. Features such as compact vanities, wall-mounted toilets, and multi-functional shower systems are increasingly popular.

Conversely, in regions where space is more abundant, consumers have the luxury of exploring a wider range of options and indulging in larger, more luxurious fixtures such as freestanding soaking tubs or spacious walk-in showers with rainfall showerheads.

Sustainability is a key consideration for new gen consumers, many of whom are well-educated and environmentally conscious. They prioritize eco-friendly materials, water-saving technologies, and energy-efficient features in their bathroom fixtures. Sustainability is not only a personal value but also a reflection of their awareness of and concern for environmental issues. 

What are the sustainability features in your range of products?

Hindware leads the way in water-saving technology, offering a wide array of eco-friendly sanitaryware and faucets certified by IAPMO. Our innovative products include dual-flush toilets, sensor-based faucets, and eco-friendly showers, ensuring sustainability without compromising performance or style. Recognizing the crucial role of sustainability, Hindware has consistently led the market with innovations aimed at significantly lowering water consumption. Among these pioneering developments is the introduction of a half flush mechanism that restricts water usage to 3 litres or less - marking a significant milestone in the industry.

Anticipating the impending water crisis, Hindware proactively initiated a partnership with the Swedish innovation company, Altered. This collaboration aimed to develop revolutionary water-saving solutions, culminating in the recent launch of 'Aqua Pro Water Saving Solutions.' This range features cutting-edge water-saving nozzles, capable of providing savings of up to 98%.

How do you view the market outlook and how are you gearing up for future?

As the real estate market continues to expand, driven by both private and government projects, the demand for modern sanitaryware and faucet is expected to rise further.

The growing concerns surrounding water scarcity and environmental sustainability is influencing the market outlook. There is a heightened emphasis on water-efficient technologies, with sensor faucets playing a pivotal role in water conservation by enabling precise control over water flow and reducing wastage. Additionally, increased product awareness has fuelled higher demand for aesthetically pleasing and functional private spaces, including bathrooms.

In response to these market dynamics, we are gearing up for the future by continuing to innovate and offer a diverse range of water-efficient products that meet the evolving needs of consumers while remaining committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship.