We plan to integrate mixed-reality technology for a transformative jobsite management experience.

We plan to integrate mixed-reality technology for a transformative jobsite management experience.

Prasoon Shrivastava, Founder & CEO, Zepth


How are construction technologies playing a major role in India’s infrastructure and real estate projects?

Construction technologies are fundamentally reshaping India's infrastructure and real estate sectors, driving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing project outcomes. The adoption of digital tools like Building Information Modeling (BIM), which has seen an increase in usage in the past two years, is enabling more accurate planning and execution of projects. Drones and IoT devices are improving site surveys and monitoring, contributing to reduction in project timelines and decrease in waste materials, aligning with sustainability goals. Project management platforms are streamlining communication and collaboration among stakeholders, enabling improvement in project delivery times. This digital leap forward is pivotal for India, where the construction industry is expected to grow to $1 trillion by 2025, making up 13% of the country’s GDP. The integration of advanced technologies is not just enhancing the construction process but is also setting a new standard for the industry, ensuring that India's infrastructure and real estate projects are among the most innovative and sustainable globally.

How do you view the evolution of digital technologies in construction projects?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the construction industry, propelling it into a new era of efficiency and innovation. AI's seamless integration into construction workflows is revolutionizing project management, from initial planning to final execution. By leveraging predictive analytics, AI anticipates project delays and optimizes resource use, streamlining operations and slashing costs.

AI automates critical yet routine tasks, such as scheduling and compliance monitoring, liberating skilled professionals to focus on complex challenges and creative solutions. It harnesses vast data pools for smarter site selection, material usage, and design decisions, enhancing sustainability and project outcomes.

On the safety front, AI identifies potential hazards, drastically cutting down on-site accidents through proactive risk management. Its adaptive learning ensures continuous improvement, customizing solutions to meet each project's unique demands.

The evolving landscape of AI in construction promises not just to tackle existing industry hurdles but to set new benchmarks for what's achievable, ensuring projects not only conclude more efficiently and safely but also embody the pinnacle of precision and innovative thought. This shift is critical for the future of construction, heralding a smarter, safer, and more sustainable approach to building the world around us.

What are the dedicated solutions for different types of construction projects offered by the company?

Zepth stands out as a uniquely scalable solution, adept at managing construction projects of any size, thanks to its Common Data Environment. This foundational aspect of Zepth ensures that, regardless of a project's scale, all stakeholders have access to a unified, secure platform for storing, managing, and sharing critical project data. This centralization of information fosters unparalleled transparency and collaboration across project teams, driving efficiency and accountability.

The platform's comprehensive suite—encompassing jobsite management, document management, project financials, risk management, and enhanced collaboration tools—is designed to be inherently adaptable. Whether it's a compact project or a sprawling infrastructure development, Zepth's tools are scalable to meet the project's specific needs without compromise.

Zepth's pioneering AI features, including Zepth Co-pilot, AI Risk Manager, Docu Chat and advanced analytics, offer insights and automated oversight, further enhancing the platform's adaptability. These features not only streamline project workflows but also proactively address potential challenges, ensuring projects stay on track and within budget.

Zepth's ability to provide a consistent, data-driven foundation across projects of all scales is revolutionizing how the construction industry approaches project management. Its unified platform not only simplifies complex processes but also elevates the entire project lifecycle, making Zepth a comprehensive solution for today's diverse construction landscape.

How are the customers responding to your technologies and solutions?

Our customers have embraced Zepth's solutions with enthusiasm and positive feedback. The transformative impact of our platform on their construction projects has been substantial, leading to increased efficiency, improved collaboration, and enhanced project outcomes. Many have highlighted the ease of managing complex data through our Common Data Environment, noting significant time savings and gains.

The adaptability of our platform to various project scales has been particularly well-received, with clients appreciating the ability to scale their use of Zepth according to project needs without sacrificing functionality or performance.

The response to Zepth's technologies and solutions has been overwhelmingly positive, with customers valuing the platform's contribution to driving digital transformation in their construction projects and its role in achieving their strategic objectives.

How do you look at the future demand trend for these technologies?

The future demand for construction management tools like Zepth is poised for significant growth. As the construction industry continues to embrace digital transformation, the need for integrated, data-driven solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve project outcomes becomes increasingly critical. The push towards sustainability and green building practices further accelerates this trend, with technologies offering predictive analytics and resource optimization being particularly in demand.

The adoption of cloud-based platforms, AI, in construction projects is expected to become more widespread, driven by their proven ability to provide real-time insights, streamline workflows, and ensure safety. Additionally, tools that facilitate seamless communication and data sharing among dispersed teams will see increased utilization.

Moreover, regulatory changes and the growing complexity of construction projects are likely to spur demand for solutions that offer robust compliance and risk management features. The industry's growing focus on customer satisfaction and the end-user experience will also highlight the need for technologies that support flexible, customer-centric project management.

The demand for construction management technologies is set to surge, with a strong emphasis on solutions that offer comprehensive, scalable, and adaptable capabilities to meet the evolving needs of the construction industry.

What is the future of construction technologies and their adoption in India? What are your future plans?

The future of construction technologies in India is bright and poised for rapid growth, reflecting a broader global trend towards digitalization. With India's construction sector expected to become the third-largest globally by 2025, the adoption of advanced technologies like Zepth is not just beneficial but essential. The focus is on enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, and improving safety and quality standards through digital tools. Technologies such as cloud-based project management platforms, AI, and IoT devices are gaining traction, driven by their ability to offer real-time insights, predictive analytics, and seamless collaboration. The Indian government’s push for smart cities and infrastructure projects further amplifies the need for such technologies.

Zepth's roadmap is sharply focused on pioneering Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in the construction management industry. We are ambitiously pushing the envelope by developing an AI Project Manager, making strategic data-driven decisions with unparalleled efficiency.

Our plan includes advanced AI-driven procurement modules to revolutionize resource management, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Concurrently, we plan to integrate mixed-reality technology for a transformative jobsite management experience, merging the physical and digital worlds for enhanced project visualization.

With a steadfast commitment to mobile and cloud-based solutions, we're ensuring Zepth's adaptability and scalability across diverse construction environments. Our vision is clear: To be at the forefront of innovation in the construction management industry, transforming it with intelligence, efficiency, and groundbreaking technology.