Smart solutions for 144-year-old Croatian water supply network
OpenFlows and OpenUtilities save 16 months when delivering one of the largest digital twins in Eastern Europe. Modernising one of the world's oldest water supply systems Originally constructed in 1878, the 144-year-old Zagreb water supply system is one of the oldest functioning water networks in the world. At that time, the capacity of the constructed

OpenFlows and OpenUtilities save 16 months when delivering one of the largest digital twins in Eastern Europe.
Modernising one of the world's oldest water supply systems
Originally constructed in 1878, the 144-year-old Zagreb water supply system is one of the oldest functioning water networks in the world. At that time, the capacity of the constructed system was 53.2 liters per second via a 4-km-long pipeline that provides water to 11,150 of the 30,000 inhabitants in Zagreb, the capital and largest city of Croatia. ViO Zagreb has been responsible for the city's public water supply since its inception, including construction and rehabilitation of the network infrastructure. The organization ensures reliable water distribution to the growing number of residents. To cover water services for now, over 900,000 people across 800 sq km, the water supply network was expanded, spanning 3,500 km with seven water sources, more than 400 components, and a daily water intake of 310,000 cubic meters.
Over the last two decades, water loss has grown significantly and sharply worsened after the occurrence of earthquakes in 2020. To resolve these losses and modernize the network, ViO Zagreb retained Hidroing to develop a detailed master plan and water loss program, digitalizing the system for optimal water distribution over the next 30 years of operation. “The project was developed to be used as a statistical and reporting tool, [where digital] protocols were developed for direct data analysis in activities of water loss reporting,” said Igor Dundović, Project Manager at Hidroing.
Striving to optimize network operations
The EUR 1 million project required Hidroing to develop a detailed hydraulic model based on an updated GIS model that enabled water loss analysis and detailed diagnosis of the supply system, including modeling of district meter area (DMA) zoning and numerous measurement points. “Our final goal was to establish a hydraulic model with all GIS data to be used for conceptioneering by ViO Zagreb development sector, and as a digital twin for ViO Zagreb's operational sector,” said Dundović.
However, Hidroing faced significant data collection challenges and difficulties measuring flow, pressure, and chlorine levels. To meet the owner's digital expectations, streamlining access to reliable network data and optimizing network operations, they realized that they needed an integrated technology solution to facilitate smart water management.
Bentley applications support digital twin solution
After considering their options, Hidroing selected Bentley's OpenFlows and OpenUtilities applications for GIS development, 3D modeling, hydraulic modeling, and on-site operations and facility management. “As a big project with a big database, our company decided to use Bentley products for all tasks,” said Dundović. They modeled 3,000 measurement points, 144 DMA zones with individual scenarios and water balance management, and 3,500 km of pipeline, creating and calibrating a hydraulic model. Using Bentley applications, they linked water loss calculation input data, including pipe length, the number of service connections, flow, real water loss, and average pressure. They stored and reported this statistical network data through the GIS platform and transferred it directly to the hydraulic model, providing a single source of truth to extract data based on real-life changes in the system and resolve water loss.
Bentley's hydraulic modeling solution enabled them to combine all network analyses into a digital twin, simulating system operations and more than 150 scenarios, including scenarios for every DMA zone. The established model is one of the largest digital twin models in Eastern Europe, facilitating smart water solutions.
A digital twin industrializes network management
Using Bentley's advanced digital platforms, Hidroing established a digital twin to improve processes and development of the Zagreb water supply system. The integrated modeling and analysis solution enabled real-time processing of input data, eliminating time-consuming manual data manipulation and validation, accelerating model calibration and delivery by 16 months. Using OpenFlows and OpenUtilities, the team delivered a final model and digital twin, pinpointing 50 actions to reduce water loss. “Final delivery time was reduced from an estimated 36 months to 20 months. This time reduction enabled faster digital twin implementation and an earlier start to the water loss reduction program,” said Dundović. The digital twin solution brings direct savings in water loss and minimizes environmental impact by reducing water intake and electricity usage.
Given the recent earthquakes and frequent ruptures of the Zagreb water pipes over the last few years, ViO Zagreb recognized the importance of digitalizing their water network and implementing smart water management processes. To meet the owner's technology expectations, Hidroing delivered a digital twin that can be used for ViOZagreb to make more informed decisions regarding their supply system's development, operations, and future planning, industrializing network management of the capital city's water infrastructure. “After devastating earthquakes during March 2020 in the city of Zagreb, these kinds of projects are even more significant in a way that during development of master plans, water safety and distribution alternatives are now mandatory,” said Dundović.
Project summary
Organization: Hidroing d.o.o.
Solution: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Networks
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Project objectives
- To combine all network analyses into a digital twin.
- To provide a single source of truth for improved decision-making and optimal water supply operations.
Project Playbook: ContextCapture, MicroStation, OpenFlows HAMMER, OpenFlows WaterGEMS, OpenFlows WaterOPS, OpenUtilities
Fast Facts
- Recent earthquakes and significant water loss prompted ViO Zagreb to digitalize their water supply system for better network management.
- Hidroing was retained to develop a master plan and water loss program for the network's next 30 years of operations.
- Hidroing used Bentley applications to combine all network analysis into one of the largest digital twins in Eastern Europe.
- Using OpenFlows and OpenUtilities, Hidroing modeled 3,000 measurement points and 3,500 km of piping, creating a calibrated hydraulic model.
- Bentley's applications streamlined data integration between the GIS system and model, saving 16 months while delivering a network digital twin.
- The digital twin facilitates better decision-making and smart management for one of the world's oldest water supply systems.
Sandra DiMatteo is the industry marketing director for water at Bentley Systems. She can be reached at
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