Tag: development
The growth trend for mobile cranes has been on a positi...
VG Sakthikumar: The national level expansion of road projects and infra developm...
At KLAUS Multiparking, our primary focus for all system...
- Aditya Bhave Director, KLAUS Multiparking India &n...
Maccaferri solutions are flexible suiting fragile geolo...
- Vikramjiet Roy Managing Director, Maccaferri India ...
Emerging trends in ROADS & HIGHWAYS
Road construction is expected to jump by 15-20% in FY2023, supported by strong u...
ROADS & HIGHWAYS: The Road Ahead
The Indian roads and highways sector is gaining momentum after a lull in the pas...
We have a positive outlook towards the Indian roads and...
- Santosh Rai Operations Director & Chief Business Officer, HC...
Achieving this new Guinness World Record brings more re...
- Jagdish Kadam Managing Director, Rajpath Infracon ...
Wastewater recycling and reuse is improving rapidly in ...
- Dr. Harish Sharma Executive Director, Rudrabhishek Enterprises (REPL) How do y...
Our products and systems stand for innovation, speed of...
- Dhaval Suthar Marketing, PERI (India) Pleas...
Driven by growth in digitalisation, rising cloud adoption and ambitious growth p...
Data centre players are expecting revenues to record a ...
- Rao Srinivasa Managing Director, Data Centres, Project Management, Colliers In...
We are doing product localisation and upgrading our own...
- Satpal Singh CEO, Numeric What are the major demand drivers of data center mar...